Saturday, September 24, 2005

An Interview With God

I'm not a very religious person, but there was just something about this that touched my heart. Whether you believe in God, or in something else all together, I think the message is something we can all believe in.

The Interview


carmilevy said...

Hi Christi. What a lovely site...and you're right: whatever we believe, these are fundamental and universal truths. If only humankind would more easily and widely embrace them.

We can always hope...

Visiting from Michele's this morning. Thanks so much for sharing this.

ribbiticus said...

Thanks for sharing. That was really beautiful. Check out Pathways to Peace, too. Here via Michele. :)

Anonymous said...

grow up you skinny bitch

Anonymous said...

Wow, who left that last comment? I think you should delete it. =) Some jealous moron.

Anyyyyyway, I just wanted to say that I loved that - thanks for the link.

Hope you had a good weekend and I'll talk to you later sometime!

Christi said...

haha yeah, that post was VERY immature of me. How dare I =)

Anonymous said...

um, yeah, i'll second ribbiticus... and click view presentation

and um, as for anonymous... who needs to grow up?!?

Christi said...

Thanks Monkey and Ribbiticus. That was great as well. They're so peaceful and meaningful. Such universal truths. Love them.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Very nice interview.

here via Michele's.

Anonymous said...

I know you must be very busy, honey, but some of us are eagerly awaiting a post about your weekend.