Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Party 2006

A whirlwind of a weekend is behind me and luckily the hangover that resided after Saturday night’s escapade has subsided and life has resumed on this cold Monday.

The store is put back to normal as the Christy’s Bridal/Anderson/Webley Chiropractic annual Christmas party has come and gone. Every dress is put back on it’s shelf, every ounce of spilled wine and beer is cleaned up, and the quiet little shop I have grown to love is just that today…quiet.

While I don’t think we’ll be hosting such a grand event at the little salon any time soon again, I do have to say that the night came together really nicely and that little shop can accommodate some five star decorations and make you feel as though you’re paying $100 for your plate of dinner at a cozy restaurant down town Chicago…even though you’re really partying in a bridal salon in Burlington, WI =)

But the event didn’t come without its stress. After closing the salon on Friday to prep for the weekend’s festivities, Melinda, my mom and I spent all day (and well into the evening) on Friday, cleaning up and moving out everything being held on the first floor of our tiny shop. Dresses were crammed into fitting rooms, decorations were put into closets, and 5 round tables covered in rich linens now filled the room that once held hundreds of dresses and racks. Decorating came next and by Saturday at 5:00 the room was full of Christmas cheer and the caterers had arrived…as well as the guests.

Louise’s out of Milwaukee did a fabulous job with the catering and I enjoyed my food immensely! After dinner we played a few Christmas party games, did a few too many shots, and I called it a night around 12:30. The party itself wrapped up around 3:30, with the last of the party animals stumbling their way home, and by Sunday the Christmas Party was over and what was left was a disastrous store and a day full of cleaning ahead of us.

I was pretty hung over on Sunday, and I wasn’t much help in the cleaning department, but I did what I could under the circumstances. As we swept, mopped, and dragged dresses back to the salon we laughed at how much work was put into a 6 hour event. Never again we said…never again.

But it was sure fun while it lasted.

View the pictures here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

Love the dress. :)