Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Like many people, the Christmas season's approach fills me with so much excitement and joy. The glittery lights, the youthful laughs of children, the sound of bells ringing through the air, and the thick blanket of snow that we're graced with at least once a year is something I look forward to and truly enjoy when it all arrives. Everything about the season puts a smile on my face.

Every year I find it hard to wait until after Thanksgiving to begin the holiday festivities. Putting up my decorations, putting in one of my favorite christmas movies, and listening to my favorite Christmas CD's top off my list. My mom has a very similar problem, and as we plopped in front of the TV the other night, we both decided upon "Elf", knowing that it was probably a bit premature to be watching it, but I was more than thrilled!

It's seriously my all-time favorite movie. Not only because Will Ferrell is probably the most hilarious man on the planet, but because I realized that I am more like Buddy than I ever realized. He's adorably naive to the troubles in the world, and believes that all anyone ever needs is to sing to make everything better. He hops through crosswalks, spins through revolving doors, and finds joy in the most minute aspects of life. He's simplistic and happy. Very much like me.


Anonymous said...

I must tell you eric, my friend greta, and i already watched ELF last weekend. we also could not help ourselves. we were in the mood for a good laugh. another christmas movie I can't resist because every year it cracks me up -- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Classic!!

Christi said...

Oh my gosh Heather of COURSE Christmas Vacation is on my list of Christmas favorites. Who better to ring in Christmas than the Grizwalds =)